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Our Team - Your Partners

As a team we accomplish more than just the sum of individuals, because we complement and add to one another.
Because of our experience in different companies and projects we can develop quickly an efficient solution also for new problems and tasks. And then successfully put it into practice.
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Wiesemann

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
- Speciality power engineering
- Speciality electronics, measurement engineering
- Control design
- System architecture
- System analysis
- Specifications
- Software implementation C/C++, Python, FORTRAN
- Simulations Matlab/Simulink, PSCAD
Vita of Dr. Joachim Wiesemann.
T | +49.241.9973 606 |
F | +49.241.9973 608 |
E | |
Monika Stern

Mathematical-technichal assistant, senior software developer
- Software implementation C/C++, Python, FORTRAN
- GUI programming
- Tests
- Troubleshooting and fixing
T | +49.241.9973 602 |
F | +49.241.9973 608 |
E | |
Bernhard Kalt
Diploma in Electrical Engineering, senior software developer
- Software implementation C/C++, Python
- GUI programming
- Tests
- Troubleshooting and fixing
T | +49.241.9973 602 |
F | +49.241.9973 608 |
E | |
As a small team we are better than a one-man-show, still without the excessive bureaucracy of a big company. We are fast and flexible and able to act for one another. And if your employees leave your company, we are still there for you.